• Anvil Malleable Iron Unions conform to ASME B 16.39 and are in compliance with the requirements of the AAR. (1994 AAR Manual of standards and Practices).
  • Dimensions conform to ASME B 16.39 for Class 150, 250 & 300 Unions.
    • 300 lb WSP
    • 600 lb WOG non-shock.
Unit of Measure


N/A 1


N/A 25


N/A 300

End to End

N/A 2 9/16 inches

End to End

N/A 65 mm

Used With

N/A Copper Copper Alloy to Iron

Weight (Black)

N/A 1.30 lbs

Weight (Black)

N/A 0.58 kg

Weight (Galv.)

N/A 1.30 lbs

Weight (Galv.)

N/A 0.59 kg